CSS Special Reports

CSS Special Reports focus on key topics and emerging patterns within the resettlement sector in order to explore key issues, solutions, best practices and recommendations in order for the sector to adapt in a timely manner and grow professionally.

Secondary Migration Report (EN, PDF)

Rapport sur la migration secondaire (FR, PDF)

The CSS Secondary Migration report seeks to explore some key questions related to GAR secondary migration in Canada, including:

  • The gaps in resources and service delivery for secondary migrants in Canada.
  • The particular needs of secondary migrants in resettling in Canada

Through literature review and statistical analysis, our team was able to identify specific needs and gaps to better serve secondary migrants through the settlement process.

Gender and Employment Barriers Report (EN, PDF)

Rapport: l’intersectionnalité des obstacles fondés sur le sexe et l’emploi pour les clients SSC RPG (FR, PDF)

The Gender and Employment Barriers Report seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What are the differences between male and female employment rates for active GAR CSS clients?
  • What are the barriers to employment for male and female active GAR CSS clients? How do they differ?
  • Do GAR women experience unique/more barriers to employment than GAR men?
  • How can CSS address any issues or unique barriers to employment for GAR women?

Serving LGBTQ+ Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) Report (EN, PDF)

Rapport sur l’offre de services pour les RPG 2SLGBTQ+ (FR, PDF)

This report seeks to outline some key challenges in the service provision to, and settlement of LGBTQ Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) in Canada. Through literature review to gather background information, and collaboration with Service Providers who either serve LGBTQ GAR clients, are LGBTQ CSS network employees, or both, we have documented in this report information on the needs of LGBTQ GAR clients, the contexts which may impact particular service needs, and some best practice guidelines for serving LGBTQ clients.

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